Event Starts: January 16, 2025 - 18:30

Event Ends: January 16, 2025 - 20:30

Thousand Oaks

We have moved the meetings and social hour to a new venue and a new day of the week! We think that you will like it better. We also hope that Thursdays meetings instead of Wednesdays will be okay for everyone. [We could not get Wednesdays due to the hotel’s calendar.]

The Conejo Ski & Sports Club meets twice monthly on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at The Best Western Hotel at 75 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd in Thousand Oaks, CA. The meetings start at 7:30 pm but most people arrive around 6:30 or 7:00 pm and have a bite to eat or drink before the meeting. We typically have over 100 members and guests attend the meetings.

Each activity leader will present their upcoming event and hand out flyers at the meeting. You may sign up for activities before, during, and after the meeting or call the activity leader to arrange payment.

To become a member, complete the  Membership Form and Waiver and mail a check for a one-year membership to the address on the application. Guests are welcome at our club meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.

Contact Gail Anderson at vpmembership@conejoskiclub.org if you have questions.

We look forward to seeing you! Guests are always welcome.

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