Our January trip to Mammoth had three perfect bluebird days with temperatures in the 30s and no wind. The mountain had excellent snow coverage, with snow visible on most surrounding peaks. A new magic carpet lift near Chair One added a bit of a learning curve but worked smoothly once mastered. As always, Saturday night’s pizza party was a highlight and a lot of fun. The February Mammoth trip currently has a waitlist, but there’s still availability for a later March trip.
And… we changed the meeting day from Wednesdays to Thursdays!
The new location for our twice-monthly meetings is:
The Best Western Hotel at 75 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd, in Thousand Oaks
[Next door to The Pizza Cookery]
Meetings are on the first and third Thursday of each month.
We had to change to Thursdays instead of Wednesdays because the hotel’s current Wednesdays were already booked.
Social hour begins at 6:30 P.M. and the meeting starts at 7:30 P.M.
The good news is that the meetings are still FREE
And we always welcome guests!
2025 Mammoth Registration
2025 Mammoth Waiver & CST
Trip Leader – Mark Glasmeier
In addition to skiing and snowboarding, CSSC brings together adults of all ages who enjoy meeting new people and participating in year-round social events. The events include camping, boating, and bicycling to dance parties, beach parties, concerts in the park, and international travel. We meet twice a month, on the first and third Thursday at The Best Western Hotel in Thousand Oaks, 74 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd., California. Guests are always welcome!
The Conejo Ski & Sports Club (CSSC) began in 1982 as a ski club but has evolved into a thriving year-round social entertainment group for adults, both singles and couples. Membership is suggested, but guests are welcome at most events. For more info contact Gail McElroy at vpmembership@conejoskiclub.org.
To become a member, complete the Membership Form and Waiver and mail a check for $50 for a one-year membership to the address on the application.